Quotes Galore
They Said It
No group is quoted more than members of the Algonquin Round Table (or maybe, dead presidents). So in the interest of setting the record straight, these are quotes, and the places that they are taken from. These are not copied from other web sites (so sorry, Wikipedia).
from The Algonquin Wits, p. 29
Robert Benchley: “Dear Bank, having wonderful time. Wish you were here. Love to all. Bob.”
from Chips Off the Old Benchley, p. xi
Edna Ferber: “Being an old maid is like death by drowning, a really delightful sensation after you cease to struggle.”
from The Algonquin Wits, p. 155
Dorothy Parker: “This tragedy receives the sort of acting that marks a production of A Box of Monkeys by the Good Times Club, composed of the boys and girls of Miss MacWhinney’s algebra class.”
from Ainslee’s, April 1921, in Dorothy Parker Complete Broadway, 1918-1923
Dorothy Parker: “I hate the Office; It cuts in on my social life.”
from Not Much Fun: the Lost Poems of Dorothy Parker, p. 204
Harold Ross: “That piece is worth coming back to work for. It will turn out to be a memorable one, or I am a fish.”
from Letters from the Editor, p. 308

Alexander Woollcott: “Every girl should be married to Charlie MacArthur at some period of her life.”
from Smark Aleck, p. 132